Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday Wisdom

Hello friends! Sorry for my blogging absence. I've been struggling to find a balance between working full-time and going to school. Right now things are a little hectic and I'm trying to get back on track.  I've wanted to blog but haven't been able to muster the energy to even write a grocery list or get my butt to the gym.

Last night I came home from work, ate a bowl of cereal, snuggled with my sweet little Harper, and went to bed. At 7:00pm. Didn't wake up until 7:00 am this morning. Still late to work. You gotta love days like that. Ah the sweet, craziness of life.

Here's some Wednesday Wisdom via Pinterest to brighten your day (and mine)!



  1. Love these sentiments =) Hope life slows down and gives you a breather soon!!

  2. I love the Keep Calm and call your Mom..........that's what I do. You're like is far away and provides nothing for physically, but emotionally and psychologically they are "The ROCK!! Hope you get a few minutes to call your own, and get in the groove. We miss you.

  3. Girlfriend I know exactly what you mean. I have been so busy lately and so often have to choose between fitting in blogging, working out or catching up on sleep at the end of my long days. I hope you find some balance soon! And I love that last quote - my mom has received that phone call oh so many times!

  4. That first picture is HILARIOUS! I want to do that

