Thursday, April 25, 2013

mad about moss

I've spent the better part of a year growing my hair out. The emergence of sock buns was my inspiration. All of my girlfriends in Chi-town have long hair and I was mildly envious. Everywhere I looked ballerina buns mesmerized me. My goal: to grow my hair long enough to put a bun on top of my head.

A few weeks ago, perfectly aligned with the Mad Men Season 6 premiere, GQ published a piece on the fabulous Elizabeth Moss. I saw the pictures and my desire to keep growing my hair out all but evaporated.

After a few heartfelt discussions with my best friend, co-worker, and mom, Tuesday night I took the plunge. I chopped off over four inches. Lucky for me the girl I got at the Aveda Institute was fantastic. I couldn't be happier with the results!

A woman's hair is an interesting beast. I've found that the decisions we make about our hair often represent inner emotions and feelings. I love the fact that I'm brave enough to chop off my hair. It makes me feel brave and fierce. And yet, sometimes I think having short hair makes me different in a negative way. I crave the perceived safety and security of long hair.

Hair is funny business. Complete madness at times. Thank you Miss Moss for inspiring me to make a change. Right on que.

P.S. I never tried an actual sock bun but I did make my goal. Leave it to a haircut for me to break my blogging silence. I'm back!

Elizabeth Moss photos via GQ


  1. I love this cut! Also, chopping off locks must be in the air. I forced my stylist to chop off seven inches last week for no reason except I wanted a change and hair is the easiest way to go. I feel so free!

  2. Oh Rissy............I'm jealous. Last November, I made the decision to grow my hair until April....then decide. Well It's April, I can pull in all back in a pony....easy peasy lemon squeezy........I'm going on vacation in August to Oregon............I think I'll keep growing it util then. I love my hair shorter, I feel prettier, more groomed. But, my wonderful Mr. Mr. Boyd likes it what we do for love and a happy husband. I'm enjoying your proxy.....It's darling.
