Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday Wisdom: You Can Go Your Own Way

Lately, I've been working on embracing the uniqueness of my own story. Rather than being caught up in the past or future, I'm focusing on being engaged in my life, here and now.

In a month I'll be 26. I'm a very single grad student and young professional living in the great city of Chicago. I'm in a much different place--literally and figuratively--than most of my college friends. It's hard sometimes to feel like the odd man out, to not be able to fully relate to some of the people I care most about. But that doesn't mean we're not all exactly where we should be.

I've always tried to be brave and make my own path. It's ok, great even, to go your own way. I'm finding the trick is to fully embrace who and where you are.

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