Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wednesday Wisdom: Set Yourself Free

This sentiment isn't always 100% true but I'd wager most of the time it's spot on. Fear is such a perplexing concept to me. The amount of power we yield to fear is astounding. Fear of the unknown and how that relates to our decisions is particularly difficult.

I'm a planner. I like to know what's up ahead so I can prepare accordingly. However, my 26 years of life have taught me that while it's good to have plan you have to be flexible. It's also important to make sure you're not so focused on your plan that you forget Heavenly Father's plan for you. They're not always the same thing.

As mentioned in previous posts, I struggle with social anxiety. Often social events are that thing I'm afraid of doing but if I would just go I'd be set free. I'm working on believing that and actually putting it into practice.

What fears keep you from living a full life?

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